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Rick LoPresti


We are living in a dangerous world. God did not create it this way. It became this way because of the sin of man (Genesis 1-3, Romans 8:19-23). Death, war, disease, natural disaster, every other evil, and even fear itself is the direct result of the change in the order of creation which occurred when man brought sin in (Romans 5:12-21, 1Corinthians 15:21-28). When the Lord returns, He will restore everything that was lost (Isaiah 11:6-11, Isaiah 65:17-25, Acts 3:21, Revelation 22:1-5). A beautiful depiction of the safety and peace God will provide is that every man will sit under his vine and his fig tree (1Kings 4:25, Micah 4:4, Zechariah 3:10). There will be nothing to fear. God did not promise that even His people would be exempt from the difficulties of this world. In fact, He told us plainly that would not be the case. "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33)." Don't forget how Jesus died. He did not exempt Himself from suffering, and He did not exempt His followers either. So what is the advantage of being a Christian? We all go through things. We can either go through them on our own, or we can go through them with the inner peace, comfort, strength, and supply that God gives. Not all suffering Christians do is directly related to their relationship with God, but when it is, it identifies us with the One who suffered for us (Matthew 5:10-12, Acts 5:4, 2Timothy 2:12, 1Peter 2-4). We will be rewarded in eternity for it. So what about our safety in this life? Sometimes God protects and delivers His people from evil, and sometimes they go through things. We must trust that God in His love, wisdom, and mercy knows better than us how things need to go, and that He is directly involved in everything that happens to us. If God takes care of every little bird and even every little wild flower, how much more valuable are we to Him (Matthew 6:35-34)? Also, difficulty in this life reminds us that this is not heaven. When we see trouble around us and even when it touches us, we remember that this life is not all there is. When Paul wrote about the resurrection, he said "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable (1Corinthians 15:19)." The most important safety God can give us is securing our souls for eternity. Then we will be in the place where there is no danger forever.

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